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Announcement - New member of The Lawyer Network in Nigeria

Published: Wednesday, October 18, 2017

We are delighted to announce that Sandra Oyewole of 'Olajide Oyewole LLP' has joined The Lawyer Network. Sandra has joined the network as our exclusive Patents member in Nigeria.

Olajide Oyewole LLP was established in 1964 and is one of the largest firms in sub-Saharan Africa. Our firm has provided efficient services that are adaptive and tailor-made for our clients. We get straight to the point of the commercial challenges faced by our clients and make it our business to understand their industry, their everyday concerns and their future goals. The Firm aims to deliver an incomparable client experience, and our clients interact with the very best lawyers, who have some of the finest legal minds in the industry, who also possess a refreshingly creative and resourceful approach to work.

Olajide Oyewole LLP recently become a member of the DLA Piper Africa Group. DLA Piper is ranked as the world’s number one law firm according to Who’s Who 2016 and Merger Market League Tables. It has also been ranked as the number one “game changer” for the past ten years by the Financial Times.

As general counsel, Sandra provides legal services on a multitude of issues to various sectors and industries. In the first 8 years of Sandra’s career, she acquired significant dispute resolution experience at all levels of Nigeria’s judicial system. With the development of her analytical, oratory and drafting skills, Sandra joined Olajide Oyewole and Co.(as it was then named) in 2001 as a partner where she guided the growth of the Firm’s practices in advertising, brand protection, broadcasting, employment, entertainment, estate planning, hospitality, immigration, information technology, intellectual property, media and sports. Sandra has in depth knowledge of Nigeria’s creative and innovative industries, regularly structuring deals and providing legal and regulatory advice. Sandra is often invited to speak at seminars and workshops in and outside Nigeria on matters pertaining to chain of title, intellectual property and Nigeria’s creative industry. She has a number of articles published and is committed to the strengthening of Nigeria’s anti-piracy and intellectual property laws and policies.

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Sandra via the below profile.

We welcome Sandra to the network and look forward to working with her on future transactions.

Sandra Oyewole
Olajide Oyewole LLP (A member of DLA Piper Africa)
Practice Area:
Phone Number:
+234 1 279 3674
Olajide Oyewole LLP was established in 1964 and is one of the largest firms in sub-Saharan Africa. Our firm has provided efficient services that are adaptive and tailor-made for our clients. We get straight to the point of the commercial challenges faced by our clients and make it our business to understand their industry, their everyday concerns and their future goals. The Firm aims to deliver an incomparable client experience, and our clients interact with the very best lawyers, who have some of the finest legal minds in the industry, who also possess a refreshingly creative and resourceful approach to work. Olajide Oyewole LLP recently become a member of the DLA Piper Africa Group. DLA Piper is ranked as the world’s number one law firm according to Who’s Who 2016 and Merger Market League Tables. It has also been ranked as the number one “game changer” for the past ten years by the Financial Times. As general counsel, Sandra provides legal services on a multitude of issues to various sectors and industries. In the first 8 years of Sandra’s career, she acquired significant dispute resolution experience at all levels of Nigeria’s judicial system. With the development of her analytical, oratory and drafting skills, Sandra joined Olajide Oyewole and Co.(as it was then named) in 2001 as a partner where she guided the growth of the Firm’s practices in advertising, brand protection, broadcasting, employment, entertainment, estate planning, hospitality, immigration, information technology, intellectual property, media and sports. Sandra has in depth knowledge of Nigeria’s creative and innovative industries, regularly structuring deals and providing legal and regulatory advice. Sandra is often invited to speak at seminars and workshops in and outside Nigeria on matters pertaining to chain of title, intellectual property and Nigeria’s creative industry. She has a number of articles published and is committed to the strengthening of Nigeria’s anti-piracy and intellectual property laws and policies.

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