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Announcement - New member of The Lawyer Network in Italy

Published: Wednesday, September 26, 2018

We are delighted to announce that Francesco Ferruccio Setti of 'Avvocati Associati Franzosi Dal Negro Setti' has joined The Lawyer Network. Francesco has joined the network as our exclusive Life Sciences member in Italy.

Francesco Setti is the founding and managing partner of Avvocati Associati Franzosi Dal Negro Setti law firm and he is the head of the Life Sciences practice since 1993.

From 1978 to 1993 he worked for Ciba Geigy group (now merged with Sandoz group to set up Novartis) as internal counsel.

He is a member of Conférence Bleue, the European network that since 1997 unites leading firms in the pharmaceutical, sanitary and medical field.

He is registered at the Milan Bar.

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Francesco via the below profile.

We welcome Francesco to the network and look forward to working with him on future transactions.

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