The144th edition of the INTA Annual Meeting, from April 30 to May 4, marks thereturn of face-to-face participation in the events organized by theInternational Trademark Association, after a period of two years in which onlyvirtual meetings were organized, due to the measures to prevent the Covid-19virus.
Thehigh number of professionals who gathered at the Walter E. WashingtonConvention Center in Washington DC, including Dr. Oscar Mago who wasrepresenting the Peruvian firm OMC Abogados & Consultores, has onlyratified the level of importance that the INTA Annual Meeting has achievedwithin the circuit of international intellectual property conferences.
Asis already characteristic, the conference was held in an atmosphere ofcamaraderie and cordiality, with much interest in listening to thepresentations on the evolution and current status of intellectual property inthe face of technological advances; there were also present a great number ofscheduled business meetings, without neglecting the social activities such aslunches and receptions in charge of the INTA organizing committee, sponsors ofthe event and also by some local firms.