To date there are 19 treaties, administered by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), to which Peru has adhered and whose purpose is to continue promoting economic reactivation and its consequent strengthening, based on protective measures in the field of intellectual property for the work carried out by entrepreneurs, creators, innovators and inventors.
So far this year, Indecopi has signed, on behalf of the Peruvian State, 5 international agreements, which are mentioned below:
The Locarno Agreement establishes an International Classification for everything related to Industrial Designs.
The Strasbourg Agreement provides for an International Patent Classification in which technology is divided into approximately 80,000 subdivisions.
The Nice Agreement, the registration of trademarks and service marks are subject to an established classification of goods and services.
The Vienna Agreement, its classification for trademarks is based on the figurative elements or the content of such elements.
The Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement protects and values the development of productive communities, based on appellations of origin and geographical indications.
For further information on the subject or if you need advice to register a trademark or patent, in Peru or Latin America, please write to: and