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GAS Fines for Limited Speeding Offences

Published: Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Since  the  1st  of  February,  2021,  Flemish  cities and  municipalities  can  punish  limited speeding  offences  on  roads  with  a  speed  limit  of  30  or  50  km/h  with  a  GAS  fine. 

A  GAS  fine  is  not  possible  for  every  speed  offence.  Such  a  fine  can  only  be  imposed if  five  cumulative conditions  are  fulfilled: 

1.        A  first  condition is  that  the  offence  takes  place  on  roads  where  30km/h  or  50km/h  is  the  speed  limit  (regardless of  who  the  road  authority is).

2.        A  second  condition is  that  the  authorized  maximum speed  must  not  be  exceeded by  more  than  20  km/h  (in addition to  the  technical correction  of  6  km).  After  all,  it  is  about  the  "limited"  speeding offences.   

3.        A  third  condition is  that  the  speed  offence is  recorded  with  a  municipal speed  camera  that  is  the  property  of  the  authority. 

4.        A  fourth  condition is  that  the  speeding  offence must  have  been  committed  by  a  natural or  legal  person. 

5.        A  fifth  condition is  that  only  the  speeding offence  was  committed. No  other  offence may  also  be  committed  at  the  same  time.  A  GAS  fine  cannot  be  imposed  if  the  limited speeding  offence  would  be  accompanied by,  for  example, driving  through  a  red  light. 

The  offence  report must  be  delivered to  the  sanctioning official  within  one  month  from  the  day  of  the  offence.  The  sanctioning  official will  check  whether the  aforementioned  five  conditions  are  met.

If  the  sanctioning official  finds  that  the  aforementioned  conditions are  not  met,  he will notify  the  offender, and  criminal  proceedings will  follow.

If  the  sanctioning official  finds  that  the  aforementioned  conditions are  fulfilled,  he  shall  deliver the  PV  along  with  the  amount  of  the  GAS  fine  to  the  violator.

The  offender  may  contest  the  fine  in  writing  by  submitting  his  defenses  to  the  sanctioning official.  The  official will  examine  whether the  conditions  of  the  GAS  fine  have  been  met.  This  official may  accept  the  defense  or  declare  it  inadmissible  and/or unfounded.  The  offender may  appeal  the  decision  of  the  official within  one  month  from  the  date  of  notification  to  the  police court  through  a  simple  petition.

If  the  official does  not  accept the  defense  and  you  do  not  wish  to  appeal, the  offending  party  must  pay  the  fine  within  a  period  of  30  days. 

Please  contact  us  at  your earliest  convenience  if  you  do  not  agree  with  a  GAS  fine. 

Authors:  Joost  Peeters and  Roxanne  Sleeckx

Joost Peeters
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+32 0(3) 216 70 70
+32 0(3) 216 70 79
Joost Peeters has a very broad spectrum of expertise. He is specialised in debt collection, insurance law, company law (legal assistance in various takeovers and share transfers), business law, (commercial) tenancy law, contract law, and traffic law. He is liquidator in bankruptcy proceedings and he assist companies that are in difficulties (mainly in cases governed by the Belgian Continuity of Enterprises Act). The experience and full service of Joost Peeters through his office STUDIO | LEGALE ADVOCATEN has been noted and acknowledged by the EUROCOLLECTNET network. After going through a very thorough and intensive selection procedure, Joost Peeters became the exclusive member as from 2017. Furthermore, Joost Peeters is the exclusive member for Belgium of the IR GLOBAL network considering debt & asset recovery, insurance law and data privacy & security.

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