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Announcement - New member of The Lawyer Network in England, UK

Published: Friday, May 17, 2024

We are delighted to announce that Kate Wormald of 'Oesa Partners' has joined The Lawyer Network. Kate has joined the network as our Alternative Asset Management member in England, UK.

Kate has advised and represented a large cross section of the alternative asset management  community over the past 21 years, since founding Oesa in 2002. She has also been engaged as a legal and regulatory consultant by Ernst and Young, as well as by large pension funds, a well-known charitable trust, industrial corporates and proprietary trading houses, all of whom required specialist legal advice in relation to their trading and derivative documentation.

Kate qualified as a barrister but decided to pursue a career in the City as a sales and trading lawyer specialising in derivatives, prime brokerage and complex structured products.  She gained invaluable experience in-house at several large financial institutions during the innovative period of the 1990’s  including Daiwa Securities, Salomon Brothers (now Citi) and then Goldman Sachs, where she headed up the Prime Brokerage and the European capital markets legal teams that encompassed all the derivative trading activity for EMEA & Hong Kong.

Kate’s advice at all of these institutions was integral to the development of a vast array of new innovative financial products.  In addition, she contributed to the many industry initiatives to standardise documentation and product definitions, including the ISDA Master Agreement and CSA/CSD, Master Confirmations, FOA ETD agreements, and the GMRA.

Prior to setting up Oesa, Kate was a consultant to the then FSA and was one of the original authors of the Market Abuse Code and the Wholesale Money Markets Code of Conduct.  

Kate’s wealth of experience is unmatched today in the alternative asset manager space.  

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Kate via the below profile.

We welcome Kate to the network and look forward to working with them on future transactions.

Kate Wormald
Oesa Partners
England, UK
Practice Area:
Alternative Asset Management
Phone Number:
+44 (0)208 458 5244
Kate has advised and represented a large cross section of the alternative asset management  community over the past 21 years, since founding Oesa in 2002. She has also been engaged as a legal and regulatory consultant by Ernst and Young, as well as by large pension funds, a well-known charitable trust, industrial corporates and proprietary trading houses, all of whom required specialist legal advice in relation to their trading and derivative documentation. Kate qualified as a barrister but decided to pursue a career in the City as a sales and trading lawyer specialising in derivatives, prime brokerage and complex structured products.  She gained invaluable experience in-house at several large financial institutions during the innovative period of the 1990’s  including Daiwa Securities, Salomon Brothers (now Citi) and then Goldman Sachs, where she headed up the Prime Brokerage and the European capital markets legal teams that encompassed all the derivative trading activity for EMEA & Hong Kong. Kate’s advice at all of these institutions was integral to the development of a vast array of new innovative financial products.  In addition, she contributed to the many industry initiatives to standardise documentation and product definitions, including the ISDA Master Agreement and CSA/CSD, Master Confirmations, FOA ETD agreements, and the GMRA. Prior to setting up Oesa, Kate was a consultant to the then FSA and was one of the original authors of the Market Abuse Code and the Wholesale Money Markets Code of Conduct.   Kate’s wealth of experience is unmatched today in the alternative asset manager space.  

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