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Announcement - Continued member of The Lawyer Network in Trinidad and Tobago.

Published: Tuesday, July 9, 2024

We are delighted to announce that Amalia Maharaj of 'Pollonais, Blanc, de la Bastide & Jacelon' has continued their membership of The Lawyer Network. Amalia has remained with the network as our exclusive Commercial member in Trinidad and Tobago.

- Represented several financial service industries before various financial services regulators;

- Full Partner portfolio with responsibility for public companies, banks and financial institutions, large private corporations and oil and gas companies.

-Lead role in review, negotiation and drafting of security documentation for commercial financing transactions;

- mergers and acquisitions;

- Primary responsibility for a variety of institutional clients including state enterprises, banks, securities companies;

- Drafting and reviewing a variety of commercial contracts and leases;

- Incorporation of companies and advising on corporate and regulatory compliance;

- Preparation of legal opinions

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Amalia via the below profile.

We welcome Amalia to the network and look forward to working with them on future transactions.

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Amalia via the below profile.

We welcome Amalia to the network and look forward to working with them on future transactions.

Amalia Maharaj
Pollonais, Blanc, de la Bastide & Jacelon
Trinidad and Tobago
Practice Area:
Phone Number:
868 612 7235 ext 242
624-5644; 625-8415
MSc INTERNATIONALBANKING AND FINANCE (Pending Thesis-Completion 2023) UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD MANCHESTER, U.K.   PUBLIC PRIVATEPARTNERSHIPS- Euromoney- June 2010   PRACTICAL USE OF 1999FIDIC CONTRACT FOR EPC TURNKEY SILVERBOOK JCC, ECV AND FIDIC June 2009   PROJECT PROCUREMENTIN THE CARIBBEAN: PROS AND CONS Institute of Surveyors of Trinidad & Tobago   FUNDAMENTALS OFDERIVATIVES Brian E.F. Jones – July 2007   SECURITYDOCUMENTATION & ADVANCED SECURITY DOCUMENTATION Euromoney – April 2007   UNDERSTANDINGCONSTRUCTION CLAIMS Katz & Stone, Bould Consulting – May 2006   LEGAL EDUCATIONCERTIFICATE (L.E.C), 2000-2002 Hugh Wooding Law School, St. Augustine, Trinidad. Recipient of: - Medal of Merit – Highest Award of the Council of Legal Education (SoleRecipient for 2002) - Book Specialist Prize - First Outstanding Year 1 Student - Council of Legal Education Prize - Most Outstanding Year 1 Student - Trinity Chambers Prize – Best Performance in Criminal Practice &Procedure - Council of Legal Education Prize – Most Outstanding Student over two(2) years; - Pelham Sloane–Seale Memorial Prize – Best performance in Conveyancingand Registration of Title   BACHELOR OF LAWS(L.L.B), (UPPER SECOND CLASS HONS.) 1997-2000 University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados.

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