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Announcement - New member of The Lawyer Network in Poland

Published: Friday, December 6, 2024

We are delighted to announce that Katarzyna Czyżewska of 'Czyżewscy Kancelaria Adwokacka' has joined The Lawyer Network. Katarzyna has joined the network as our Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences member in Poland.

She renders legal consultancy services in regulatory matters connected with manufacturing and marketing of medicinal products, medical devices, cosmetics and foodstuff. She deals with the issues related to reimbursement and financing of health care services, drugs distribution, safety of use and clinical trials. She represents clients from life sciences sector both in proceedings before public administration authorities and court litigation.

The Firm

Czyżewscy kancelaria adwokacka has been established based on our experience in providing services to entities operating in the life sciences sector on one hand, and in the Intellectual Property and media sector on the other.

While forming our law firm, we adopted a unique model of a boutique law firm with a view to providing our clients with bespoke legal services, taking into account not only legal regulations, but also the specific nature of both their activity and the markets they operate on.

Our efforts to create a highly specialized, dedicated to the clients law firm have been appreciated by the market already in the first year of our business and continue to be appreciated.

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Katarzyna via the below profile.

We welcome Katarzyna to the network and look forward to working with them on future transactions.

Katarzyna Czyżewska
Czyżewscy Kancelaria Adwokacka
Practice Area:
Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences
Phone Number:
+48 22 407 21 01
+48 22 407 00 01
Katarzyna Czyżewska is the partner and head of the Life Sciences practiceat Czyżewscy Law Firm. Advocate, expert with many years ofexperience in providing advice to entities operating in the Life Sciencessector. She renders legal consultancy services inregulatory matters connected with manufacturing and marketing of medicinalproducts, medical devices, cosmetics and foodstuff. She deals with the issuesrelated to reimbursement and financing of health care services, drugsdistribution, safety of use and clinical trials. Katarzyna represents clients from lifesciences sector both in proceedings before public administration authoritiesand court litigation. She also actively participates, as anexpert, in public consultations concerning legal acts in the domain of lifesciences, as well as advises one of the most important organizationsrepresenting entrepreneurs acting on the pharmaceutical market in Poland.The Firm Czyżewscy kancelaria adwokacka has been established based on our experience in providing services to entities operating in the life sciences sector on one hand, and in the Intellectual Property and media sector on the other. While forming our law firm, we adopted a unique model of a boutique law firm with a view to providing our clients with bespoke legal services, taking into account not only legal regulations, but also the specific nature of both their activity and the markets they operate on. Our efforts to create a highly specialized, dedicated to the clients law firm have been appreciated by the market already in the first year of our business and continue to be appreciated.

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