The "QUORUS GmbH" is a management and consultancy Limited Liability Company (Ltd.) with an exclusive operational focus on Swiss-Russian cross-border activities. The company is registered in the commercial register of the canton of Zurich (CH- and fulfils a dual role, in that it advices, sustains and accompanies activities from Russia towards Switzerland and in the opposite direction. Legal, management, business consulting and lobbying are the main operating fields the QUORUS is covering. Focusing on holistic exclusive tailor-made specialist service-solutions based on expertise in Russian, Swiss and EU-law, banking-, asset-management, and further fields, depending on clients' needs, the QUORUS business-model provides for targeted partnerships with specialists in Russia, CIS, Switzerland Europe and beyond. The company domiciles the Russian legal expertise and the Russian expertise beyond legal issues in persona on the Swiss market and its managerial set-up feeds the QUORUS with diversified knowledge, expertise and credibility.