He is the founder and head of the law firm, arbitrator of the Permanent Court of Arbitration organized alongside the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and a registered member of the Hanseatic Bar Association of Hamburg as a European lawyer.
1993-1995 - The Law of the German Federal Republic / Fernuniversität Hagen
Final Examination from Civil Law
1981 - State Exams for Foreign Trade Law
1979 - State Exams for Legal Advisors
1977 - Graduation from University, Faculty of State and Law/Pécs
Work experience:
1997 - Attorney at law
1996-1997 - Counsellor - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EU Integration)
1990-1995 - Commercial Counsellor - Ministry of International Economic Relations
1977-1990 - Legal advisor - Komplex Foreign Trading Co.
Hungarian – mother tongue
English– State Exam, High Level
German – State Exam, High Level