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Announcement - New member of The Lawyer Network in Kenya

Published: Thursday, May 23, 2024

We are delighted to announce that Joyce Aluoch of 'Spring Law' has joined The Lawyer Network. Joyce has joined the network as our Mediation member in Kenya.

Hon. Lady Justice Joyce Aluoch, CBS,EBS, Trail Blazer(Rtd) Judge,

Certified International Mediator(IMI) Accredited Mediator, Certified Advanced Mediator and Chartered Mediator, Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators London, and the Kenya Branch.

Prior to her election as a Judge and First Vice President of  the International Criminal Court at The Hague,  she was a Court of Appeal, High Court Judge and Magistrate in Kenya, having been the second woman to hold the positions. Upon her retirement from the bench in 2018, she successfully moved her legal profession to other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution. She conducts international mediations, Court Annexed Mediations in Kenya, and private mediations. She is the Patron of Women in Alternative Dispute Resolution(WADR).

In July 2022, she  was appointed a  member of Judicial Reform Committee under the Revitalized Agreement for the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, charged with the responsibility of reforming the judiciary. 

She servs in many international and regional organizations including International Advisory Board, office of the Ombudsman of the United Nations  Funds and Programs, Board Member and Chair of Governance and Ethics Committee, Mediators Beyond Boarders International (MBBI),Director of Governance and Ethics, Rotary Club of Nairobi, Board Member of Dialogue Through Conflict Foundation, Patron- Women in Alternative Dispute Resolution-Kenya and Adjunct Professor, University of Western Cape, South Africa.

She is a recipient of several international and national Awards including CBS,EBS and Trail Blazer, Awarded by three  Presidents of Kenya. 

In  November 2023,  in Florence-Italy, she received  an International Peace Award  from Premio Internazionale  Semplicemente Donna, and in January 2024, was appointed a member of the Jury of the Simplicemente Donna International Award. In March 2024, she  was appointed to the Global Advisory Council of G100 Global Networking.

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Joyce via the below profile.

We welcome Joyce to the network and look forward to working with them on future transactions.

Joyce Aluoch
Lady Justice Joyce ALUOCH, EBS, CBS
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Hon. Lady Justice Joyce Aluoch, CBS,EBS, Trail Blazer(Rtd) Judge, Certified International Mediator(IMI) Accredited Mediator, Certified Advanced Mediator and Chartered Mediator, Member, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators London, and the Kenya Branch. Prior to her election as a Judge and First Vice President of  the International Criminal Court at The Hague,  she was a Court of Appeal, High Court Judge and Magistrate in Kenya, having been the second woman to hold the positions. Upon her retirement from the bench in 2018, she successfully moved her legal profession to other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution. She conducts international mediations, Court Annexed Mediations in Kenya, and private mediations. She is the Patron of Women in Alternative Dispute Resolution(WADR). In July 2022, she  was appointed a  member of Judicial Reform Committee under the Revitalized Agreement for the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, charged with the responsibility of reforming the judiciary.  She servs in many international and regional organizations including International Advisory Board, office of the Ombudsman of the United Nations  Funds and Programs, Board Member and Chair of Governance and Ethics Committee, Mediators Beyond Boarders International (MBBI),Director of Governance and Ethics, Rotary Club of Nairobi, Board Member of Dialogue Through Conflict Foundation, Patron- Women in Alternative Dispute Resolution-Kenya and Adjunct Professor, University of Western Cape, South Africa. She is a recipient of several international and national Awards including CBS,EBS and Trail Blazer, Awarded by three  Presidents of Kenya.  In  November 2023,  in Florence-Italy, she received  an International Peace Award  from Premio Internazionale  Semplicemente Donna, and in January 2024, was appointed a member of the Jury of the Simplicemente Donna International Award. In March 2024, she  was appointed to the Global Advisory Council of G100 Global Networking.

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